Dental and Periodontal Research Center is one of the research centers of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. The scope of the activity of this center is as follows:
- Research/applied activities in relation to the regeneration of lost oral tissues and restoration of their function
- Development of new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques based on new data from the biologic principles of anomalies and destructive diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.
- Research into the mechanical and biologic properties of new dental materials.
- Reconstruction and regeneration of orodontal structures and development of biomaterials used for such purposes.
- Epidemiologic studies to determine the pattern of oral diseases in the community.
- Research based in evidence-based dentistry and its use in the regeneration of oral tissues
- Extensive communication and cooperation with other basic sciences and clinical research centers in order to develop new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive techniques for oral diseases.
- Development and application of human knowledge in scientific fields.
- Basic and clinical research to reform the health system of the country so that it can cater for the needs of the Islamic community.
- Training of researchers in the fields above.
- Encouraging and employing researchers.
- Attempt to attract the attention and cooperation of other research and executive centers within in country.
- Scientific cooperative with educational and research centers of other countries and international organizations.
- Research into the development of new techniques to diagnose and regenerate lost oral tissues.
The Dental and Periodontal Research Center of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was founded in 2010 and has been active within the framework of its aims since then.
Manufacturing country
| Brand | Device name | No. |
USA | ( PCR)BIO RAD | Thermal Cycler | 1 |
China | Lenovo | Gel Documentation | 2 |
USA | Labnet | Micro Centrifuge | 3 |
Iran | ArashTeb | Power Supply Electrophoresis & Tank | 4 |
Iran | FarzanehArman | Digital Heater Stirrer | 5 |
Iran | ReyhanTeb | Autoclave | 6 |
Iran | Noavaran | Homogenizer | 7 |
Japan | Olympus | Optical Microscope | 8 |
Iran | Behdad | Incubator | 9 |
Iran | AromTajhizGostar | Digital Tube Centrifuge | 10 |
Germany | Rayner & Johnson | Handy Laser Sprint | 11 |